If there are no available dates and/or locations in your area, select "I will choose a test location later" and contact Kyle Pollander - kpollander@ifps.org for alternate test location information.
Fill in the following form to show nature and extent of education:
If applicable: A copy of your diploma and an official transcript of your record should be sent directly by the Institution to: Certification Manager c/o IFPS Headquarters
Applicant should make explicit statements, listing and defining system design work performed, listing and defining projects for which applicant had full or partial responsibility, including statement of extent and complexity of work performed. Any gaps in system design employment record should be explained. The Experience Record can be sent to the supervisor listed above for verification.
List five (5) references that have knowledge of your system design experience. These references will be contacted by the Certification Manager to verify experience, quality of work, characters etc.
(Do not include relatives or IFPS Board members, which can be found at www.ifps.org)