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2024 Spring Meeting Registration - San Antonio TX

IN-PERSON MEETING - Please make sure you are logged in (check that your name appears at the top of the page.)

You will receive a digital copy of the handouts; do you want a printed binder?


I understand and agree that these images may be used in various print or electronic media, including but not limited to brochures, newsletters, advertisements, social media, websites, and other promotional materials.


PLEASE help the staff by registering by March 1, 2024

IFPS Annual Meeting 
March 11-14, 2024, San Antonio, TX

Hotel: Embassy Suites by Hilton San Antonio Riverwalk Downtown

MAKE Hotel Reservations Online or call 1-800-362-2779 and reference the special rate code of IFP.

 Hotel reservations must be made by 2/18/24

Make your Hotel Reservations online   Schedule of Events   Tour Details  Technical Workshop Details 
Who's coming? 




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